JMF Northern Magic (FOR SALE)
1996 Black 15.2 h Stud Fee: $500 lfg

Magic comes from the "Magical" cross of Windover Regency and Whispering High Beam .... the cross that lit up the map for Janzen Morgan Farm in Canada! Both Regency and High Beam were Beaminton sons, giving this cross a double-dose of one of the most famous stallions in Morgan history! I had the opportunity to own High Beam for a short time, and now have two of his daughters in my broodmare band. Magic will be bred to these mares, as well as my Futurity Ellusion daughters, who also carry Beamington, UVM Promise, Flyhawk ... some very influential lines in the history of the Morgan breed! I purchased Magic in April of 2012, so I have no foals of my own yet, but I do have photos of a couple of his foals from his previous owners. While Magic has not been color-tested yet, he has never produced a chestnut foal, with 36 registered foals on the ground! His official tally to date is 31 BLACK, 3 BAY, and 2 BROWN FOALS!! Come visit Magic, and add some "magic" to your foals!